“Many fantastic volunteering organisations can use a little help to be more accessible and inclusive of people with a disability.” – Mark Glascodine, Career Counsellor for people with disabilities.

The Victoria Alive Project
The Victoria ALIVE (Ability-Links-Inclusive-Volunteering-Everyday) project is an activity of the 2018-19 Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Transition Grant Stream, within the community awareness and capacity building activity area. The project aims to improve disability Inclusion in the volunteering community sector.
In partnership with Volunteering Victoria and Neighbourhood Houses Victoria, and with the support of the Victorian Government, the project is working to build the capacity of the community and volunteer involving organisations to actively involve and engage with people with disabilities.

Undertake research to better understand barriers that can hold people with disability back from volunteering, and also to learn how organisations can be more inclusive and involving.
Work with community sector organisations to tailor resources that help involve volunteers and leaders with a disability.
Run events & forums for community sector organisations, particularly Neighbourhood Houses and Men’s Sheds, so that volunteers & staff are empowered.
Promote the benefits of volunteering for people with disability by highlighting the best examples of inclusive volunteering.
Did you know:
Almost 1 in 2 people with a disability in Australia live in or near poverty (45%) – this is more than 2.5 times the rate of poverty experienced in the general population and more than double the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) average of 22% – Council on Federal Financial Relations, 2016
In their own words, people with lived- experience share their stories.